The B.E.T.R. Course
There's no such thing as a bad prospect. What, How, and When you say it matters. Master The BETR™ Prospecting Program and you'll learn to work the phone, reach decision makers, and set firm appointments
Lesson 1: Prospecting Flow Chart - Opening
Lesson 1 - Quiz:
Lesson 2: Prospecting Flow Chart - Opening 2
Lesson 2 - Quiz:
Lesson 3: Prospecting Flow Chart - Opening 3
Lesson 3 - Quiz:
Lesson 4: Prospecting Flow Chart - Continuation 4A
Lesson 4 - Quiz:
Lesson 5: Prospecting Flow Chart - The Invitation And Locking Down The Appointment
Lesson 5 - Quiz:
Lesson 6: Prospecting Flow Chart - The Agenda
Lesson 6 - Quiz:
Lesson 7: Prospecting Flow Chart - Conclusion
Lesson 7 - Quiz: